Thursday, January 31, 2013

Introductions please?

        Hello everyone! My name is Amelia B. Osbourne. I love long walks on a moonlit beach, music of any kind, and reading paranormal romance novels. I also love animals of all sorts, shoes, modern art, shoes, and having fun. Did I mention how much I love shoes? I enjoy lying in the sun, soaking up the rays by the pool as I sip my drink du jour and ogle the beautiful young men in their skimpy little swim trunks. Or at least I did. That was all a part of my life before my eyes were opened to a whole new world. You see, five years ago, I became a vampire in what I refer to as "the unfortunate accident." I guess I should explain even though it is tremendously embarrassing to admit such a thing could ever happen.
        I was born the middle child in a family of five. My older brother, Stephen, was an athletic god in my parents eyes. He excelled in every sport he ever attempted all the while maintaining his grades and his harem of cheerleaders. My baby brother, Jeffrey, was a hellion and enjoyed his status as the youngest, and therefore the most innocent child to ever grace the planet. As the only girl in the bunch, I was a major disappointment to my parents. I was a tomboy, always dirty with tears in my clothes and mud beneath my fingernails. My frizzy red hair was constantly tangled with debris from the many wrestling matches with my brothers. On top of it all, I was an unforgivable klutz. If there was something breakable in a room, I was guaranteed to find it within minutes. I didn't actively seek to destroy precious objects. They just seemed to be right in my way more often than not. Now, I don't want you to think that my early years were bad because they weren't. I enjoyed the competition my brothers gave me. I learned a lot from being so open to the world around me.
       There were times I wished I was more like the other girls in my school, simpering little misses, prissy and graceful. There were even a few times that I tried to be more like them so that I would fit in and make my parents proud of me. My efforts usually fell short of expectations and I finally settled for being happy in my own skin, as weird as it was. At the tender age of nine, I discovered that my cheeseburger used to be named Bessie and that ruined my trust in my parents. What kind of parents would allow their child to dine on dead animals? Ewwww, that's just too gross to contemplate.
       Anyway, as I grew older, puberty made itself known. I filled out in all the expected places but wound up with braces and even more unmanageable hair. I thought that with age, my clumsiness would straighten itself out. No luck there. My lack of physical grace only grew worse until simply walking upright across a room was a challenge. It seemed there was no way that I would ever catch a break in life. Fortunately, I had managed to find two of the best friends a girl could ever want or need.
       Hillary was a band geek, carting her clarinet everywhere she went in the off chance that she would find a few moments to practice the same pieces over and over. She wore thick-lensed black framed glasses that made her blue eyes appear larger than normal and clashed horribly with her white-blond hair. When she spoke, Hillary's voice was soft and timid. The one time I heard her raise her voice was when the class bully was trying to beat the new kid into giving up his lunch money. Hillary was full of righteous anger for the downtrodden and abused. To this day, she works tireless to improve the lives of the impoverished one person at a time.
      Jason, or better known as Jay, was a truly good person. Jay was a bit overweight in his early childhood. He always had a smile on his face and never hesitated to help someone in need. I think feeling needed made him feel important. Jay came into my life on a day when I really needed a friend. My grandfather had just died and some kid in class thought it would be funny to tease me over my grief for my beloved 'Gramps'. Not able to contain my grief and my anger at the same time, I launched myself over the desk without thought to what would follow. It turned out that the bully had a few more friends in class than I was aware of. With my nose bleeding and my eye beginning to swell, I was rescued by Jay as he jumped onto the shoulders of my opponent. Jay's extra weight took down the smaller kid and even though the teacher chose that moment to join the fray, I will never forget that Jay was the true hero that day.
       As high school drew to a close, my friends and I only drew closer to each other. We planned our senior trip to Cancun along with the rest of our class. After being united in our social awkwardness and in our fight against unjust inequalities, we were branded as family in a way no blood ever could. How could we have guessed that fate had a bit more creativity in her plans for us?

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